Instant Photography - Land CameraThese photos were taken using a Polaroid Land Camera and Fujifilm FP-100C and FP-3000B Durand Jones and the Indications - The Ottobar - Baltimore, MD - April 25, 2018 Two Inch Astronaut - Comet Ping Pong - Washington, DC - October 2, 2016 Slow Mass - Comet Ping Pong - Washington, DC - October 2, 2016 Slow Mass - Comet Ping Pong - Washington, DC - October 2, 2016 Pet Symmetry - Boot & Saddle - Philadelphia, PA - June 1, 2017 Ratboys - Boot & Saddle - Philadelphia, PA - June 1, 2017 Pet Symmetry - Boot & Saddle - Philadelphia, PA - June 1, 2017 Two Inch Astronaut - The Black Cat Backstage - Washington, DC - March 5, 2018 Report Suspicious Activity - The Black Cat Backstage - Washington, DC - March 5, 2018 Brian Venable of Lucero - Lucero Family Block Party - Minglewood Hall - Memphis, TN - April 14, 2018 Jupiter Styles - The Temple - Newark, DE - January 22, 2019 Maxwell Stern - Original 13 - Philadelphia, PA - December 3, 2021 Gordon Phillips (Downhaul) & Maxwell Stern - Original 13 - Philadelphia, PA - December 3, 2021 Caleb Cordes (Sinai Vessel) - House Show - Hagerstown, MD - August 21, 2016 Pet Symmetry - The Ottobar - Baltimore, MD - July 18, 2015 Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires - DC9 - Washington, DC - July 30, 2017 Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires - Asian Taste - Baltimore, MD - July 31, 2017 Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires - Asian Taste - Baltimore, MD - July 31, 2017 Jonah Matranga - The Music Space - Towson, MD - January 20, 2017 Beach Slang - The First Unitarian Church - Philadelphia, PA - December 19, 2015 Beach Slang - The First Unitarian Church - Philadelphia, PA - December 19, 2015 Beach Slang - The First Unitarian Church - Philadelphia, PA - December 19, 2015